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Questions about the Chakras – Spontaneous experiences (part 3)

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Student: Good evening Angel, thank you for allowing me to be here. I'd just like some clarification. In the meditation you teach, we don't focus on colors as the chakras in reality are not colored, as you explained in the other lesson. So, it would not make sense to call up indigo energy in the sixth chakra or green energy in the heart, much less red energy in the chi because it's negative. Did I understand that correctly?

Angel: Hi, that’s correct. The chakras are not colored, and it's also quite logical considering that they are parts of our body, they are areas where nerves meet, and as such you cannot imagine a red sphere or a purple sphere or an orange sphere, inside our body, because they would be precisely imagination and not reality! What color are your organs? They are not colorful, that is for sure. The chakras are represented colorful in a wide variety of images, as explained in the previous lecture, only to explain the concept of heat, so it's common to represent the low chakras as hot (with colors representing heat, such as fiery red, or orange) and the high chakras as cold (with cold colors such as green, blue, etc.) but nothing to do with the real appearance of the chakras, which are places where energy is concentrated and nothing to do with colored spheres. Consequently, choosing to "call up indigo prana" or "call up green prana" without even knowing what you are doing, just because we like the color, is not a good thing. This is because you don't really know what that energy will lead you to, but you are choosing to call it back to you and surround and fill yourself with that kind of energy that you don't even know. That would be on the same level as calling up black energy merely because you like the color black. But if you like the color black, for example concerning the clothes you wear, or you like black hair, it has nothing to do with psychic energies, and it would be dangerous for you to choose to call up one kind of Energy only by following the tastes of colors. When it comes to colors there is nothing wrong if you like black, or red, or green, or brown. Just as it doesn't make you more evolved if your favorite color is white or blue; favorite colors have nothing to do with the energies you use! So, if you like black you are not dark, and if you like white you are not more evolved than others. Favorite colors don't matter when it comes to Energies. For this reason we should not "get attached" to one kind of colored Energy just because we have the idea that we like the color. Calling up green, or red, or yellow, or orange energy within you will bring harm to you both spiritually and physically, as you don't know what you are letting into your body and you don't then know how to treat its effects. So, I would advise you not to use any other colored energies other than white prana or, as you will learn in the future, you can also use blue prana, although we will talk about that later. Nevertheless, your chakras are not blue, they are not blue spheres, you simply can choose to absorb blue prana from them. So, we have chakras that are ribbing points but they are not colored like a rainbow; those are images to represent the temperatures of the chakras. Then, the more you absorb white prana into the chakras the brighter they will become, and you will perceive them as white/bright. With white prana you are on the safe side as you know it is always positive, unlike energies such as green, red, brown, orange, which are negative energies and/or get dirty easily. I would advise you to play it safe and avoid "playing" with colored energies just because you think they are as beautiful as colors; because then in reality each of them has its own "functions" and most of them are already basic negative or tending to become negative quickly.

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Student: Good evening Angel, and to everyone! As always it's a pleasure to be here. I wanted to ask: how long do the "discomfort" to the chakras last as they begin to widen? And when the chakras activate on their own, to come to our aid (unconsciously to us) is it possible for them to give us further "discomfort" and thus ask to be recharged?

Angel: Hi! First of all, chakra "discomfort" should not be confused with body pains that arise from other reasons, such as precisely health problems. I'm telling you this because if you have headaches, it doesn't mean that it's the chakra that's charged, but that the headaches come precisely from pathologies that you should investigate, which obviously manage to create themselves because of a discharged chakra, thus unable to defend you from those negative energies. In other words, let's not confuse mild chakra discomfort, which occurs while you're meditating to make you realize that there inside the chakra something is moving, from what instead are the pains that occur during the day that have nothing to do with chakra evolution, but rather occur precisely because of a lack of energy that prevents your body from defending itself from external attacks. That said, if we are talking about the chakras expanding, the sensations can last a few days, sometimes just a day, sometimes 3-4 days, as long as you continue to meditate consistently and nourish precisely the chakras that are trying to expand. But if these discomforts that you are talking about come to you during the day, so during times when you're not practicing, most likely they're not the chakras expanding (they expand as you meditate) but rather they're discomforts of your body, which surely also demonstrate how your chakras are drained. So, they are alarms that warn you that you necessarily need additional energy. The difference is that in the first case the chakras are fine and they are charged, that's why they expand, but in the second case they are so drained that they can't do their job, that's why they can't defend you from the negative energies that, as they come into you, cause various pains.

Student: Hi Angel, I would also have the same question about the chakras: is it normal for them to bother you when you meditate?

Angel: Yes, as I've already mentioned it's normal that while meditating for the first few times the chakras cause these discomfort-like sensations; it happens because you're "moving" them for the first time and like any part of the body that you train for the first time, you feel this sensation at first. But it's only a few days and the seemingly uncomfortable sensation will be replaced by a pleasant relaxation of the body and compacting of the chakras, which will become increasingly hard and compact the more you meditate on them. The first few times it's very normal, it's like when you start walking. Now you don't remember, because you were too small but your legs ached and you fell down a lot; if you ever got sick and had to stay in bed for many days, you'll remember that when you started walking again your legs ached, even though you hadn't moved for only 2-3 days, yet it was enough to make your legs ache when you started walking again. That's because you hadn't exercised them for a while, and as you can see it only takes a few days of inactivity to make you "lose the ability" to walk. Of course then you quickly get used to it again because you have been walking since you were a child, but you understand that it's a muscle that needs to be nourished on a daily basis, and the same thing goes for the sixth sense. If you started running from today, your legs would hurt, but day by day you would be able to run faster and faster and get farther and farther without stopping from pain or to catch your breath. And we all know that this is easier done than said: if you run for the first time out of training, you know your legs will hurt, but it's not like you get scared by it! You simply know that it's a very normal reaction of the body, and you know that if you keep running the body will quickly get used to it and a few days later that problem will no longer bother you. The sixth sense has to get used to it because it has never been used. By meditating on your chakras you will nourish your sixth sense. We can compare chakras with muscles: if you are not used to running and out of the blue you run 4 kilometers in a row, your legs will hurt! But if you do a little jog every day, day after day, the miles will not be tiring for you anymore. In a nutshell, the chakras are starting to make movements, so it's normal that the first few times they might bother you.

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Among other things then it's quite subjective as to some it happens, to others it happens that they don't even feel discomfort, it depends from person to person. To me for example the first few times the Mind chakra bothered a lot and also the Heart chakra, then it passed, on the other hand most of my students apart from a few have never complained of any discomfort in the Heart or Mind chakra except a very small discomfort, so it's quite subjective. Certainly, it also depends on how much the chakras need to be cleansed, as during your life you have absorbed a lot of negativity, and when you start meditating it makes sure to cleanse you of those energies. So, feeling discomfort to the chakras while you are meditating on them for the first few times causes discomfort both because they are atrophied, so you are moving them around and also because you are cleansing them with the positive energy that you absorb during meditation.
Student: Yes, it's true, Angel, both the Mind one and the Heart ones bother me. The latter even gives me a feeling of nausea and excessive heat.

Angel: This is normal, don't worry, it used to happen to me too in the early days, but it went away as soon as I got into the habit of meditating and the energy cleansed the chakras. Soon you won't feel these discomforts anymore. There is nothing abnormal, then if you care I can give you a checkup too, so we make sure everything is okay in your chakras, but don't worry really it's all very normal, there are those who get it and those who don't. It depends on how your body reacts.

Student: Yes, Angel, thank you, if you don't mind I would like you to give me even just a quick look, I would like your confirmation that my chakras are fine. I will send you a recent picture of me, is that enough?

Angel: Yes of course I will just see a picture of you, it will be very easy.

Student: Why is it that when I go deep during meditation, I can feel my chakras hardening like cement according to the chakra I am touching? Why does this happen?

Angel: Because they are filling up with energy, and as such the chakras are becoming more "concrete." That is why they are becoming hard, and of course it's good as it means you are absorbing energy.

Student: Hi Angel, I don't understand when you say "feeling the chakras" exactly what do you mean? Also, I can't visualize them, I don't understand in what way. Thank you.

Angel: If you have just started meditating it's normal that you don't feel them, they are too drained so it's hard to feel them!!! But by meditating on them you will absorb energy and they will become more and more compact and hard, so you will physically feel them, you will feel their presence as they will become "concrete" and they will not just be sensations but you will really feel their presence inside your body. You don't need to visualize the chakras, but rather rest your fingers on the indicated chakra area and simply concentrate on drawing and absorbing energy within that area of the body. For example, you absorb prana from the belly area where the chi is located. Without needing to visualize the Chi, the energy will go within it just the same! You concentrate on drawing the energy in and absorbing it from that area, the Chi will do the rest.

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Student: Hello everyone. It's really nice the way you, Angel, explain the relationship between the various chakras and the uniqueness and importance of each one! I was wondering if people who only practice other types of meditation not directly on the chakras (e.g. in non-thinking) are still minimally charging their chakras more than people who don't meditate at all.

Angel: Hi, actually no, because the chakras have to be charged directly and you don't charge them by accident or by mistake, but you have to meditate on them directly. The term "Meditation" is too vague nowadays because they are using it to mean anything. So, there are those who by meditation mean that they lie down and relax listening to the music they like best; that is leisure, that is relaxing, but that is not meditating. If I lie down listening to music and daydreaming, my chakras will not be charged! If I sit in the half-lotus position, but with my mind I think about memories, or people I care about, I am not charging my chakras! This is because the half-lotus position doesn't assume that I'm focusing on the chakras. If I want to charge the chakras I have to necessarily focus on the chakras, otherwise it doesn't happen by itself. So, if we're talking about chakras, obviously those who do different kinds of "meditation" in which they don't focus on the chakras, but for example only on relaxation, it's a foregone conclusion to say that they will not be charging their chakras.

Student: I was reminded of something you had said in the past on a Tour, which was that when the chakras hurt a little bit or bother just while we are meditating, it happens because they're working on something deep, do I remember right? Sometimes I meditate and feel just a twinge in the chakra, but I don't feel it as a negative thing, but I'm asking you to confirm to be sure.

Angel: Yes, you remember well, in fact don't worry, it's a positive sign. Sometimes it happens that the chakras, as you meditate on it deeply, so you are absorbing a lot of energy, work on deeper factors, such as trauma from years and years past, emotional suffering or even negative energies that you had absorbed in the past. As they work on it to purge these negative energies and thus get rid of them, it can happen that they cause little twinges, sometimes jolts, which can be uncomfortable for a moment. It happens because the chakras are going to clean out negative energies that had been in there in your body for many years, and sometimes to throw them out they make a physical effort to the point that you can feel a pain or a twinge, but it's very quick and it lasts for a short time, we're talking a few seconds. So, it's normal don't worry, just let them be, when they have cleaned everything out, they won't give you any more problems.

Student: Okay indeed, because I really feel the twinge but yet it makes me feel good and I feel like I'm doing the right thing because afterwards I feel happy, like I've cleared myself of something precisely.
Angel: That's right, this feeling of happiness really comes from the fact that you've freed yourself from some energetic and emotional weight that has been hidden in there for a long time, and when you finally get rid of it you feel lightened. It's important that you're acknowledging that you feel happy after practicing on the chakras because it's not obvious to realize that. Yet, meditating can make us truly happy.

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Student: What are the chakras? A bridge between the body and the soul?

Angel: We can look at it this way. Chakras are areas of the body that can be defined as energy pockets, where within them you store energy. Through them you enlarge the energy body, which then goes directly to fortify your Soul. The more you nourish them with prana, the more they - the chakras - are able to create a better connection for you with your Soul. If your chakras are not nourished because you do not meditate, this connection does not happen, or not at high levels, because the Low limits your understanding as well as directly disturbing the communication between you and your highest Essence, which is the Soul. Therefore, if you wish to evolve spiritually, with the goal of achieving Awakening, it's unthinkable to hope to do so without meditating. 

Student: Are the chakras on the surface (near the outer skin) or far inside? Because on the Crown and Mind I feel like they are also connected on the inside of the head.

Angel: Until they are developed, the chakras will seem to you to be very close to the surface, but of course they are not on the skin but inside the body. Nevertheless, at first, because they are too empty and small, you will feel them very close to the skin. But the more you meditate and the more the chakras are nourished, the more they expand and begin to enlarge their area allowing you to feel them "physically" much larger, to the point that, for example, the Chi, you will feel it almost as big as the whole belly, the Heart you will feel it almost as big as the whole chest, and so on. So, it's obvious that the more you meditate the bigger these chakras become and expand on multi-dimensions.

Student: Regarding the chakras, when I need to focus on them should I also imagine them as symbols and colors or just focus on the respective area?

Angel: Absolutely not, get symbols and colors out of your mind, they only serve to distract you! Focus on the physical sensation, focus on the actual presence of the chakra you are meditating on. There is no imagining, the chakra is really there present! So, focus on its real presence and not on a fictional image. 

Student: Thank you, Angel, the questions and answers so far have been enlightening. I'm left with one curiosity. Upon entering ACD and reading your papers I learned of the existence of Chi and its great virtues when nourished constantly with meditation. I wonder then why so many authors ignore it, they only talk and write about the conventional 7 Chakras. Yet it's not "an open secret," that is, it's a Chakra known mostly by those who practice martial arts at high levels.

Angel: Because many of the spiritual masters around only speak and teach words learned through theory, reading books by others who have read other books, but without really proving the veracity of what they have learned theoretically from others by putting them into practice. So, they do not speak from direct experience but only from hearsay, as they don't practice, and they also often modify some teachings from how they were originally said merely to sound more original, but not because they have practiced and have recognized that they need to carry out modifications. And it just so happens that the modifications they make go on to destroy the very meaning of the previous teaching. When you learn to perceive the chakras of others, I invite you to take an interest in perceiving the chakras of all these masters you refer to, and almost with all of them, or indeed with all of them, you will feel that they have no energy, they have no developed chakras, they don't have the slightest form of spiritual evolution within them; just words. How can a "master" teach others how to evolve if he doesn't even meditate and practice? What would there be to teach?

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You may not understand it now, but when you learn to perceive the energies of others, thanks to the techniques I teach in ACD, no one will be able to lie to you anymore because all you have to do is analyze their energies and realize who is practicing and who is not practicing! And only then will you realize that it doesn't matter how much others say they practice: if there is no energy inside them, no developed chakras and not even the slightest sign of prana, it's obvious they are lying. But I assure you that there are not only naive spiritual "teachers" who parrot knowledge read elsewhere; but there are also those who voluntarily decide to spread false news, teachings aimed precisely at driving their "students" away from Awakening, because their goal is precisely to make their students subservient to them. Here in ACD you are taught how to become independent, in other schools you are taught how to depend on that master. Ask yourself why. But how could they make the students dependent on the teachers if the students awakened? Obviously, it would not be possible, which is why in order to do so they decide to teach their pupils false, contradictory news that would lead away from true spiritual development. That is why, one of the most important chakras such as Chi, is so much "censored" by other spiritual "teachers." My teachings are derived from direct experiences, that is why this Academy is based on practical techniques, not on many fine words. Here we don't do theory but practice! And to be realized in practice you need facts: the Chi is precisely the chakra that concretizes energies into material events and that is exactly what on so many other paths they try to omit in order to prevent their students from achieving true and concrete Awakening.
Student: Hello, many spiritual "masters" invite to send during meditation, roots to the heart of mother earth and from there bring up red energy to our Chi, I know that red energy is negative and so I have never used this technique, the question is why the connection between the heart of mother earth and Chi assuming there is a logical sense to these techniques.

Angel: This is the exact example I was talking about earlier, which is negative teachings that are purposely spread by pretending them to be good so that people who follow them will make mistakes and be subdued by them. What you are talking about is basically a practice to increase the power of the Low and the darkness over you by making you submit to them. To "root" means to increase the Low, making stronger the threads of the Low with which it influences and disturbs you on a daily basis to prevent you from evolving. Moreover, as if there is no limit to the worst, while you decide to fortify the Low on you also add red prana, absorbing it into you and filling you with sickness in your body. Of course I advise you to stay away from certain "practices," which are deliberately spread and taught to other spirituals to bring them down one after another.

Student: Is it true that if you have excess energy in the third eye you become proud, manipulative and authoritarian? Or does this not happen if we meditate on the other chakras as well?

Angel: It's absolutely not true, and I repeat to you that the third eye is not the Mind chakra. In any case, this is false information they spread specifically to keep people ignorant and therefore away from the truth about the chakras. All chakras are positive because they belong to you, your body and your nature. The more you meditate on them the more you evolve, then of course it all depends on the technique they teach you, because if you "meditate" on them with red energy obviously the results will be negative. But this doesn't depend on the chakras, but on your choice to absorb darkness within you.

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Student: Thank you, Angel. I come from paths of many years, and I must admit that I have never felt the energy as well as I have since I have been in ACD. It's true that you teach the practice and I confirm this with my experience. Your path is genuine, and I understood it right from the start, just because you teach your Experiences to us without forcing us to pay monthly amounts, as is the case in all other paths and schools in Italy and abroad, if you don't pay, they throw you out like a sack of potatoes and they don't wait a single day late, this is modern spirituality... I know it well, who learned from Indian, American and Russian masters... A total disappointment. An agonizing repentance, all that money thrown away for learning nothing, just hogwash. Thank you for what you are doing for us, I can tell you care about our Awakening. Unfortunately, I'm not as young as I used to be, I had found you earlier--a lifetime looking for evolution and I've found it only now with you. But tell me: is it too late for me? Or do I still keep chances?

Angel: I'm happy that you've finally found ACD, and I thank you for your testimony. It's not too late at all! What are you talking about! You are here, Now, ready to evolve, so learn as much as you can from this path and put it into practice, because you can seriously get important results that will show you that you are on the right path.

Student: Thank you, Angel, I knew you would listen to me and motivate me, I already feel better.... I know my mind is now dirty with all those false ideologies, I was so afraid when I read the article on red energy and to think that for years, we were being taught to absorb red energy... I had chills when I realized that my illness started at the very same time. Thanks to ACD I have already felt improvements and I know that I will be able to cure myself completely thanks to your teachings. Needless to say, I am done with red energy forever and I thank God for leading me to you, who are teaching me how to clean myself up and reconnect with positive energies. The naivety of a man who thought he was doing the right thing while absorbing red energy--but God did not abandon me and led me to you. Infinite thanks.

Angel: I assure you that God doesn't punish you for your past "mistakes" for which by the way you weren't even at fault, you trusted those "teachers" and took the steps believing they were right, just because you weren't aware of how many fakes and pure frauds are around. Now you know that the truth is different, but you don't have to feel guilty about the past, there is nothing you have to punish yourself for, all the more so now that you have the techniques in hand to clean yourself up, heal yourself, feel good and be happy. Now just concentrate on meditating, absorbing prana light on your chakras, nothing else matters now! Leave behind suffering and guilt for past naiveté you were not at fault for and be happy for the improvements that will come through practice! I'm happy that you have found ACD.

Student: Hi Angel! Is it possible to intentionally shift energy from a Chakra we feel particularly charged to one we perceive uncharged? Or does prana, once it has recharged the chakras become specific to that type of chakra? Then I would like to ask you, can red energy, besides being harmful to the Chakra receiving it, cause regression of the chakra itself? Thank you.

Angel: Hi! First of all, it's possible to shift energy through the Energy Movements technique: this technique is used to better balance the chakras, but not to remove energy from one chakra to put on another. What you are talking about is counterproductive since the energy you have is little, so you try to redistribute it to the various chakras, but the energy is still little! Instead, it's definitely more evolutionary to absorb more prana into all the chakras, all the more so if you feel they are drained, so that you have more energy all over your body that will bring you both physical and mental health and well-being, just because of the large amounts of energy absorbed. Regarding the red energy, yes, besides damaging the physical health of the person absorbing it, it also damages the chakra itself. So, I recommend not playing with it.

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Student: Thank you for the quick and super-explained answer. So, energy movements are only to be used in extreme cases, right? Red Energy always to be avoided, got it.

Angel: You're welcome. No, energy movements are not to be avoided or used in extreme cases, on the contrary I recommend that you use this technique very often to improve the flow of energy within your body. The fact is that the goal is different: with energy movements you're not going to take energy out of one chakra and put it on another, but rather you're going to rebalance the energies by moving them within the body, without taking anything away from anyone. Which is more than positive! The opposite, on the other hand, would be counterproductive, which is to take energy away from one chakra thinking you are giving it to another; that would be a mistake that I certainly advise you to avoid. Rather meditate more so that all chakras will have enough energy. I will end the lesson for today, but I would like to remind you that if you would like to write more questions you can submit them on the dedicated page. Have a great evening!ù

Student: Thank you so much Angel, what a great lesson! I'm glad to have found you and be able to learn from the Best one!

Student2: Thank you so much for the wonderful lesson! This one was spectacular too, I look forward to the next one. 

Student3: What an interesting lesson! Thank you.

Student4: It was a wonderful lesson, thank you so much Angel!

Student5: Thank you, Angel, for your time, it was a very interesting lesson full of experiences and many answers and tips to follow to the letter.

Student6: Thank you so much Angel for this great lesson, every time you find insights and practice! 

End page 8 of 8. If you liked the article, comment below describing your feelings when reading or practicing the proposed technique.

This document is the translation of the original article ( on the Dimensional Consciousness Academy website.

483 comentarii
  • rob78londra

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    13:18 20/11/23

    Interessante questo articolo sui chakra,ancora sono distratto,un mese fa ero piu focalizzato e riuscivo a meditare meglio,mi accorgo che ultimamente le mie meditazioni sono spesso distratte da tanti pensieri che ho,continuo a praticare ogni giorno

  • klaudia

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    09:54 17/11/23

    Secondo me è molto importante capire che i chakra sono tutti connessi e dobbiamo assorbire l'informazione che collaborano tra di loro, quindi, solo meditando su tutti potremmo evolvere al meglio. Possiamo sviluppare le facoltà naturali meditando su tutti i chakra perché ognuno completa l'altro. È un bellissimo ingranaggio spirituale che possiamo mantenere in salute solo facendo "manutenzione" ad ogni elemento che lo compone, così la macchina sarà completamente efficiente e assolverà a tutte le funzioni senza trovare intoppi o blocchi. Grazie!

  • P. Sandra
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    15:41 02/11/23

    Questa lezione che non avevo letto mi ha messo in risalto un fatto importante che non sapendo non avevo valutato.Avevo notato la mia difficoltà nel sentire il chakra Chi, c è chi dice che si indurisce, ma io non sentivo mai niente, addebitato questo al fatto che magari non riuscivo ad inviargli prana in modo corretto.Da una domanda posta da un allievo dell' Accademia sul fatto che determinati interventi chirurgici con asportazioni possono aver indebolito il chakra situato nella zona corrispondente.Non avevo considerato questa possibilità e il fatto che quattro anni fa ho subito un intervento di asportazione molto invasivo,corrispondente alla zona del chakra Chi, ora ho capito perché non lo sentivo, a differenza degli altri, devo quindi prendermi cura di questo mio chakra debilitato e dargli tempo per riprendersi.

  • jael
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    01:09 19/10/23

    Tra queste domande e risposte, ho trovato diversi chiarimenti utili, relativi alla Meditazione e ai chakra. Per esempio, il fatto che continuino a respirare Prana anche senza Visualizzazione e ad accrescersi, sia perché la Prana è un'energia intelligente e riesce a dirigersi dove l'Intento decide di inviarla, sia perché i chakra hanno la capacità di espandersi senza un limite. Ho anche trovato conferma ad alcuni miei pensieri relativi alla Guarigione energetica, tra cui il fatto che sia possibile inviare energia Pranica tanto localizzata all'organo o parte specifica da guarire, quanto estenderla all'intero corpo fin nel dettaglio (cellule e microparticelle incluse) e l'effetto di Guarigione viene ugualmente prodotto. Interessante anche il modo in cui funziona l'Intento: istintivamente tendo a visualizzare con il chakra Mente e poi rafforzare con un impulso che parte dal Cuore. Ovviamente mi manca l'avere una tecnica specifica che vada oltre l'istinto, affinché le manifestazioni siano più rapide di quanto oggi mi riesce, così come devo assimilare meglio il concetto di "pensiero senza parole", benché anche di questo ne abbia una comprensione intuitiva. Molto interessanti anche le esperienze relative agli effetti della Meditazione sui singoli chakra: ognuno regala delle sensazioni uniche, che variano di volta in volta.

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    15:56 14/10/23

    Questa lezione mi ha fatto ricordare di una mia difficoltà, cioè quella di sentire i battiti nel petto mentre medito sul Cuore. Dopo averci provato con difficoltà, ad un certo punto devo avere smesso di farlo e di provarci, fino a dimenticarlo. Se non avessi riletto questo articolo, non mi sarei accorta dell'errore che stavo commettendo e avrei continuato a meditare accontentandomi, invece che lavorare per superare i miei ostacoli. Mi è piaciuto leggere le esperienze degli studenti, in particolare di come, migliorare la qualità della meditazione sui chakra, abbia dato un immediato riscontro sulle sensazioni fisiche del chakra Chi e sulla qualità dei sogni. Un perfetto esempio di come, praticare bene, dia sempre i suoi frutti.

  • nadia

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    21:18 09/10/23

    Quando ho iniziato a meditare non sentivo il chakra Chi e non sentivo battere il cuore, mentre quando arrivavo al chakra Mente e/o Corona mi sentivo pervasa da energia. Con la costanza ora sento bene ogni chakra e ci sono delle volte che mi sento oscillare da dentro, tipo cullare, e sento che sono delle sensazioni meravigliose che vorrei non finissero più. Un’altra cosa molto bella che mi succede è una sensazione di gioia durante il giorno e io sono già molto felice così. ☺️

  • asselandra
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    18:54 05/10/23

    Meravigliosa serie di domande e risposte. L'aspetto che mi piace di piu' e' forse il fatto che si pone tanto l'attenzione sul sentire di persona. Cio' che si prova e' sicuramente il migliore metro di misura dei graduali progressi e ovviamente anche un incentivo a fare sempre meglio. In questo articolo ho anche trovato la risposta ad alcune mie domande; trovo che sia molto utile fare tesoro dei commenti e dei quesiti di chi ha intrapreso il Percorso molto prima. Grazie anche per questa preziosa opportunita' :) ✨

  • Wanderer
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    19:38 23/09/23

    Bellissima l'esperienza della studentessa che sentiva il chakra della mente e poi tutta se stessa girare durante la meditazione! Queste sono esperienze da ricordare!! È molto interessante come ogni chakra abbia delle funzioni più specifiche ma che allo stesso tempo ci sia bisogno che collaborino tutti insieme per rendere il massimo delle loro potenzialità e sempre di più. Devo lavorare molto sulla qualità della meditazione al momento, ho avuto un paio di giorni meravigliosi in cui ho fatto meditazioni perfette il mese scorso, ho preso annotazioni eccetera, ma anche provandoci non sono riuscita a mantenere quella qualità che in pochi giorni è andata a scendere. Mi chiedo se in realtà sia scesa a causa di scarse protezioni che devo riprendere a fare più forti e per più tempo in questo periodo.

  • giusepp
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    15:41 21/09/23

    I Chakra sono punti di energia e come tali non posso discernere il tipo di energia di cui nutrirsi e assimilare. Se richied energia positiva, prana, essa sarà assorbita dai chakra, producendo a lungo termine effetti positivi. ma se richiami energia negativa, rossa o nera, i chakra assorbiranno queilla e gli effetti non possono che essere deleteri. Il chakra del cuore va percepito non concentrandosi sulle dita. ma concentrandosi su tutta la zona del petto .... questo è un errore che facevo e grazie a queste info di questo documento, spero di risolvere questa lacuna.

  • raffaella83

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    22:43 19/09/23

    Queste Q&A sui Chakra catturano la mia attenzione in modo puntuale. In particolare, l'esperienza narrata dai due studenti in merito al chakra del cuore e della mente, le ho avute anch'io. Più nello spefico, quando medito sul chakra del cuore sento nel petto il battito del ❤ accelerato che decellero proprio con il respiro pranico, così come indicato da Angel nel documento. In realtà, sento il battito del cuore anche quando non medito e, per esempio, studio o lavo semplicemente l'insalata. Per quanto riguarda il chakra della mente, avverto qualcosa che si muove roteando e, ultimamente, in modo contemporaneo, avverto anche il I chakra, pur non meditandoci. Sono sensazioni bellissime che mi fanno sentire viva. 🌻Grazie Angel ❤

  • baldassarre

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    10:52 10/09/23

    Ascoltare o leggere le esperienze degli studenti dell'accademia ci permette di aumentare la nostra consapevolezza riguardo alle pratiche che stiamo portando avanti. È importante partecipare e condividere per aumentare la nostra conoscenza.

  • Alfredo

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    22:48 06/09/23

    Leggendo questa lezione è stato davvero emozionante ascoltare le testimonianze di alcuni studenti che raccontano interessanti esperienze vissute in relazione ai Chakra, avendo raggiunto un livello evolutivo superiore. Cresce sempre più la consapevolezza ed il desiderio di andare avanti con maggiore determinazione; occorre perciò il massimo impegno nel seguire gli insegnamenti di Angel.

  • xeno
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    16:02 05/09/23

    È davvero importante rileggere gli argomenti più e più volte, e questo non lo rileggevo da un po’. Queste domande mi hanno chiarito alcuni dubbi, soprattutto dell’energia rossa, come quella nera, sono energie negative, che se assorbite portano la malattia dentro di noi. Un’altra cosa importante è meditare sempre con la massima concentrazione con la tecnica guida, senza tralasciare nessun chakra, poiché ogni chakra non è a se, ma aiuta gli altri, e tutti assieme ci aiutano alla nostra vita quotidiana, senza cadere in trucchi low, attacchi psichici ecc. Dato che ogni chakra sono punti energetici, con la tecnica dei movimenti di energia, ci aiuta a tenerli sempre più connessi tra di loro. Noto che la meditazione fatta 5 volte al giorno almeno, non è per niente facile, perché più si vuole è più ci sono cose da fare in questa dimensione, è incredibile come il low le prova tutte per non farci risvegliare.

  • Sole
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    10:59 29/08/23

    Davvero utilissimo questo documento di domande sui chakra. Ho trovato molte risposte che mi sono servite per migliorarmi o chiarirmi dei dubbi. inoltre è molto interessante la spiegazione su ogni chakra che riesce a potenziare le nostre facoltà e hai fatto bene a specificare che non è solo il Mente , ad esempio, che può aiutarci a sviluppare meglio la facoltà della Telepatia perchè anche gli altri chakra possono dare un valido contributo per ampliare lo sviluppo di tale facoltà in modo più completo, non limitandoci a solo una parte. Ed è giusto averlo chiarito, altrimenti si poteva fare l'errore di concentrarsi solo su un chakra pensando che per sviluppare una facoltà serva solo quello. Molto interessanti anche le esperienze degli studenti che hanno vissuto attraverso i chakra, questo sta a significare che quando si danno le giuste attenzioni possono offrirci grandi risultati. Grazie mille per permetterci di avere queste esperienze!

  • Light_Surf
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    10:07 29/08/23

    La tecnica di Meditazione sui Chakra in Non Pensiero di ACD ha cambiato la mia Pratica Spirituale. Da tanto volevo essere constante e solo con questa Tecnica sono riuscita. Ho passato per varie fasi, ma non ho mai mollato. Adesso sono in un periodo che sento cosi bene il mio Chi che mi da una immensa soddisfazione e sentire i miei Chakra é diventato come un "gioco" che devo giocare tutti giorni. Ad ogni meditazione cerco di spingermi sempre un po' oltre con relazione al Non Pensiero e capisco quanto é stretta la relazione fra esse e sentire bene i miei Chakra. Non sono ancora riuscita a essere costante nella quantità di 5 Meditazioni al giorno, ma sto lavorando nella mia organizzazione. Questo Percorso é fantastico e sta cambiando talmente tante cose nella mia vita che non avrei mai immaginato. Sono arrivata per puro "caso" e rimango per passione alla Pratica, auguro un bel bene ad Angel Jeanne e il suo TEAM :)